
Privacy Policy

Lukijan mielipide

Karjalan Heili privacy policy

If you want to see your personal information in Karjalan Heili's customer data file, please send a written and signed request to the contact person of customer data file. 

Data controller: 

Karelia Viestintä Oy

Mainos alkaa
Mainos päättyy
Mainos alkaa
Mainos päättyy

Torikatu 23 E, 80100 Joensuu

Tel. 010 230 8500

Contact person in matters concerning the privacy policy:

Anniina Mertanen

PL 99, 80141 JOENSUU

Tel. 010 230 8500


Name of the data file system: 

Kayak subscription system, Karelia Viestintä customer file

Purpose of personal data processing:

As provided in the Finnish Personal Data Act: to maintain customer relationship, to maintain subscriptions, to maintain payments.

The personal data may be used for the data controller's marketing purposes for current and former customers and research as provided in the Finnish Personal Data Act. 

File's data content:

Customer name,  address, telephone number, information of subscriptions, payment history in its forms, feedback information, personal identification number in case of credit payments.

Regular information sources:

The data is collected through the data controller's own activities with permission of customer. 

Transfer of data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area:

The data is not transferred outside the European Union.

File protection Policy:

The data in Kayak subscription system, Karelia Viestintä customer file, is only accessible to specified people working for Pohjois-Karjalan Kirjapaino Oyj, which owns Karelia Viestintä Oy and other companies. Those people are in charge of the file as part of their given tasks. The system requires username and password, so access is restricted only to specific persons. All the actions of users are saved to system log. 


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